Contract IMVDFunctionalityProposalManager

  • Path: contracts/IMVDFunctionalityProposalManager.sol
  • Version: 1
  • Title: Functionality Proposal Manager

Microservice for adding new proposals



Callable by the Proxy only. Contains the logic to check if a proposal is ready to be finalized (e.g. last block reached or hard cap reached).


GET the Proxy contract address


Check that a proposal is valid


  • proposal: Address of the proposal to check


  • isValid: Boolean indicating the validity of the function


Add a new Proposal Work explanation: codeName is set and replaces is blank: the Proposal will add a new Microservice/Functionality codeName is blank and replaces is set: the Proposal will remove an existing Microservice/Functionality codeName and replaces are both set: the Proposal will replace an existing Functionality/Microservice with a new one codeName and replaces are both blank: the Proposal represents a One-Time Functionality, that will be executed just one time, if the Token Holders Pccepts this proposal.


  • codeName: ID of the microservice, to be called by the user through Proxy, can be blank.
  • location: Address of the functionality/microservice to call
  • methodSignature: Name of the method of the microservice you want to call
  • replaces: codeName of the microservice that will be replaced by this Proposal, can be blank.
  • returnAbiParametersArray: Array of return values obtained from the called microservice's method


  • proposal: Address of the newly added proposal


SET the Proxy contract address