Contract IDoubleProxy

  • Path: contracts/IDoubleProxy.sol
  • Version: 1
  • Title: Double Proxy Interface

Double Proxy is the easiest way for side/external Contracts to locate and query the DFO. As the main Core Contract of a DFO is the Proxy, it also can be updated by Proposals. So, directly link the Proxy to external Contracts can be really a problem. To avoid this, it is better to link external contracts with the DoubleProxy. DoubleProxy is the Proxy of the Proxy, and is a Delegate that keeps track of the most recent Proxy address and all the other previous Proxies. Because it has a very lightweight and simple structure and logic, it does not need of changes, so it can be used as a secure anchor.



Initializer logic used during the constructor call


  • currentProxy: Address of the current Proxy
  • proxies: Array of address of the old proxies, only used in legacy scenarios. Can be left empty.


Check if the address is or has been a Proxy


Retrieve all the proxies


Retrieve a portion of the proxies


  • offset: End Position
  • start: Start Position


GET the number of proxies


GET the current Proxy


Method callable by the current Proxy only. It is used when the Proxy or this delegate changes.