Contract IMVDFunctionalityModelsManager

  • Path: contracts/IMVDFunctionalityModelsManager.sol
  • Version: 1
  • Title: Functionalities Models Manager

Well Known Functionalities are "special" Functionalities/Microservices must be implemented according to a specific pattern. Well Known Functionalities can be found in the implementation of this Interface.



Check Well Known Functionalities. If the check fails it will raise its own errors.


  • codeName: ID of the microservice, to be called by the user through Proxy.
  • isInternal: Boolean flag controlling wether the microservice can be called from anyone (false) or can be called only by other microservices (true)
  • methodSignature: Name of the method of the microservice you want to call
  • needsSender: All microservices calls are made py the Proxy, with this boolean flag you can forward the address that called the Proxy in the first place
  • replaces: codeName of the microservice that will be replaced by the Proposal to be created, can be blank.
  • returnAbiParametersArray: Array of return values obtained from the called microservice's method
  • submittable: Boolean flag controlling wether the microservice writes data to the chain